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Your Day of Breakthrough

At a recent meeting we had a number of people healed of arm issues, stomach ailments, and other physical pain – yay Jesus!

Faith is Active

Do you have promises or prophetic words that seem to be delayed and appear impossible in the current worldwide climate?

During the night Paul had a vision in which a Macedonian man was standing and pleading with him, “Cross over to Macedonia and help us!” After he had seen the vision, we immediately made efforts to set out for Macedonia, concluding that God had called us to preach the gospel to them.

Acts 16:9-10

Paul received a prophetic vision from God to go to Macedonia, so he put his faith in action to see the promise fulfilled.

You might not be in a place to see the fullness of a God promise fulfilled, but make sure you are preparing and working toward it.

We are excited to hold a miracle crusade in Pakistan, but can’t solidify any schedule because borders remain closed and people can’t gather in large groups. Instead of just moving on to the next thing we are continuing to pray for the crusade, nation, and seek God for greater insight on how to be effective while there.

Resistance Will Come

After arriving in Macedonia, Paul started to see fruit with Lydia receiving the message of salvation but then resistance came.

Once, as we were on our way to prayer, a slave girl met us who had a spirit by which she predicted the future. She made a large profit for her owners by fortune-telling. As she followed Paul and us she cried out, “These men, who are proclaiming to you a way of salvation, are the servants of the Most High God.” She did this for many days. Paul was greatly annoyed. Turning to the spirit, he said, “I command you in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her!” And it came out right away.

Acts 16:16-18

You might begin to see fruit to the promises of God and then accusation comes, doubt comes, and you have might even have people speaking the “right” thing but in the wrong spirit.

In the Garden of Eden, you see the devil twisting the truth. Doubt and unbelief don’t usually come from something you know isn’t Biblical but from partial truth being twisted.

Who are you going to believe?

The voice of God and what He has spoken to you or the devil lying to you.

You Always Have Hope and a Future

Paul didn’t just experience the voice of the fortune teller, he was locked in the inner prison and hope seemed lost in the natural.

You must stand on the Word of God in faith, no matter the circumstances.

We are living in a time of great shaking – everything that can be shaken will continue to shake. No matter the shaking you feel – you must keep your focus on God.

About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the prisoners were listening to them. Suddenly there was such a violent earthquake that the foundations of the jail were shaken, and immediately all the doors were opened, and everyone’s chains came loose.

Acts 16:25-26

People all around you are watching to see how you handle the circumstances you face.

Your Suddenly is Here

God had cultivated such a heart of compassion in Paul, when he received freedom – he was willing to bring the jailer coming against him into freedom too.

He escorted them out and said, “Sirs, what must I do to be saved?”

Acts 16:30

God isn’t just after you receiving a miracle or seeing a promise fulfilled. God wants you to receive a breakthrough so you can bring others through with you!

One day, one encounter, one revelation can change your life – we believe today is your day of breakthrough!

Let’s be a people who set our focus on Jesus, our passion on God’s presence and experience His miraculous power!

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