Make Disciples

Over the last few months, God has been breaking my heart for the local church in a fresh way. As a believer in Christ we are called to live as part of His body – which is best expressed as part of a local community.

God’s main focus isn’t offering people fire insurance but a deep personal relationship with Him. We have made the Gospel nothing more than a way to stay out of hell and failed miserably at teaching people how to have a real relationship with Christ.

You are called to minister as a believer, it might never be behind a pulpit but you have been called to teach and encourage those around you to experience God and press into Him.

In a recent dream, an older couple had a living room full with younger men and women. The older man settled everyone and opened in prayer. The first of the thirty in the group started talking about his struggle from the previous week and I was utterly shocked at the transparency. As the conversation moved to the next person it only seemed to get more real and open. After hours of sharing and prayer, a small study of the Bible the night ended with talk of the next meeting a couple of days away. I went to the older couple and asked how they were able to have a home group with such honesty and true community. The older gentleman smiled and said, “we lead every one of these people to the Lord”. He then shared how they all attend a local church body to worship and learn together but the church had become so big the only way true discipleship would happen was in a smaller, more intimate group.

And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go thereforeand make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen.

Matthew 28:18-20

God wants to radically use you beyond your wildest dreams – all you have to do is say yes to the Lord. Allow God to grow and nurture a deeper relationship with you right where you are so you can give it away to others.

So often we hear about the importance of “doing” for God but if we aren’t in a place of real relationship with Him, we have nothing legitimate to give.

Quiet Time 101

You might have heard all about the importance of spending time with God and having a personal relationship with Him but not know what it looks like or how to start. The best way to start is giving God ten minutes every day:

1. Write the following prayer on a sheet of paper, notecard, etc and stick it on your bathroom mirror – pray it every time you see it.
“God make me more hungry for You!”

2. Read the Psalm for the day of the month we are in, so April 20th you would read the 20th Psalm.

3. You never want to be the only one talking so give yourself three to five minutes just quietly waiting and ask God if there is anything He would like to say to you.

It might not make lots of sense what you read or you might not hear an audible voice but if you will give God just ten minutes a day He will help the relationship and time grow into something great.

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