Category: Miracles

  • Expect Miracles

    What is the greatest miracle you need today? The greatest miracle you need isn’t necessarily the most obvious – it is the one keeping you from fully pursuing God. I…

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  • Dream Big With God

    What impossible thing are you believing God for today? It can be so easy to limit God to what we’ve experienced in the past or bring Him down to our…

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  • What Does God Say About Healing?

    What does God say about healing? Sometimes you need a good reminder of the promises God has for you. I’m believing that as you are reading this – any healing you…

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  • Empowered by the Holy Spirit

    You have greatness inside of you! You have the power to see lives transformed and God glorified. Jesus told the disciples not to try to do anything for Him without first…

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  • Stretch Your Faith

    Do you have an expectation for God to move in your life? Are you excited about God utilizing you to see the impossible manifest? A popular question I receive when…

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  • Break Off The Spirit Of Delay

    God wants to breakthrough for you now! Every spirit of delay is broken over you in the name of Jesus and we call forth the full manifestation of what you…

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  • Tacos for Everyone

    Free Tacos for Everyone As I was graduating college – God went from being distant to ever present and interested in a personal, intimate relationship with me. I grew up…

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  • Time to Press-in & Step Out

    Imagine one man in your city is miraculously healed and when word gets around, everyone in your city—plus the neighboring city—is saved. As Peter passed through every region, he came…

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  • Shifting Into Greater Glory

    Do you sense a shift taking place in your life? Are you in a season that is stretching you beyond what you can handle? You are not alone. I believe…

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